Senators, Officers, and Committees

Faculty Senators

View the Faculty Senators spreadsheet

Faculty Senate Officers

Chair of Faculty Senate, Stacy O’Reilly

Vice-Chair of Faculty Senate, Andrew Schmelz

Parliamentarian, Jonathan Webster

Faculty Senate Committees

For more information on any of the committees listed below, please contact Senate Chair, Stacy O’Reilly,

Curriculum Committee

Responsible for undergraduate and graduate curricular matters, including policy recommendations for degree requirements, the addition or deletion of degrees or majors, curricular issues affecting more than one college, and matters related to the university core curriculum (e.g., approval of new core courses, changes to core courses, and deleting core courses). This committee shall also be responsible for ensuring that each college has adopted written curricular decision making procedures, and that those procedures establish a curricular decision making process that maintains faculty control over that college’s curriculum and is independent of that college’s administration. Policies and procedures for curricular change are contained in the Guide to University Curriculum Committee Authority and Review, which is maintained by the committee and made public by the Faculty Senate.

Academic and Student Affairs Committee

Responsible for policy recommendations regarding teaching, student learning, support services for academic programs, academic quality, institutional mission, the creation or discontinuation of academic programs or units, and the admission, enrollment, and retention of students.

Faculty Affairs Committee

Responsible for policy recommendations regarding the status, rights, and responsibilities of faculty, including faculty hiring, rank and compensation, annual evaluations, promotion, tenure, leaves, and emeritus status. This committee is also responsible for policy recommendations regarding the selection of academic administrative personnel.

Professional Appeals Committee

Responsibility for deliberating on faculty grievances, and for making policy and procedural recommendations regarding the faculty grievance policy.

University Promotion and Tenure Committee

Responsible for conducting an annual review of promotion and tenure applications after all college-level evaluations are complete, and for making policy and procedural recommendations regarding promotion and tenure.

Faculty Nomination Committee

Responsible for suggesting names to the senate chair when the chair receives requests for faculty representatives on various special committees, task forces, and other university obligations.